Monday, August 9, 2010

Here I Am Again....

Sooooo I'm in pre-show week now. Or, the after pre-show week... almost show week. Well, it is show week but were not at show yet.

Thats on Wednsday...two days? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEk!

Im all a flutter right now. But excited. This has been a crazy experience. Its my first show outta community theatre and I feel a little out of my element. I mean, I'm actually learning shit this time around! This is why I'll never be able to work an office job. Im not content unless Im learning something new or doing something new every single day. So SCREW YOU RETAIL!

I seriously.hate.retail.

On the other hand I'm busy trying to figure out how to get a company off the ground. I want to start a theatre company that does parodies of things. It's basically what my friend and I do...make fun of stuff we looove. Granted, Harry Potter is now out of the question due to the amazingness of 'A Very Potter Musical' (seriously, look that shit up, its fantastic. AND there's a sequel). Which is difficult because you know you can never make any money off of it really. Cuz of copyrights. Damn you laws.

So far we're working on a *gasp for origionality* Lord Of The Rings parody! So far we've got some pretty funny (to us) ideas and have done research (aka watching the movies and creating subtext. Which always goes VERY inappropriately. Seriously, watch the scenes from Fellowship near the end with Boromir with a slightly dirty mind and see what happens. its awful.)

Yeah...seriously. Look at this and not think horrifically and inappropriate things.

 Pretty much our conversations go like this:

Me: This is not very interesting really.
Tulio: Not if you know the story.....cut it.
(later, shes left to talk on the phone...I fall asleep)
Tulio: What happened?
Me: I fell asleep around the time they went to Caradaras...Cadaras? Cardaras? Caradaradaras?
Tulio: Caradhras.
Me: Right. Something about a ring...Boromir wants it... whine whine whine about snow. bitch bitch bitch about Saruman....
Tulio: Eh...cut it. We'll reference it in a line somewhere....

THIS is how we will create a play about the entire trilogy in under 2 hours my friends. Cut out everything remotely unpronouncable or that can be summed up in a "oh remember that time we went....?"

single handedly destroying great literature with laziness.... that would be me :P

PS. seriously, i really do love lord of the rings and have read the books. please dont hate me!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What the heck am I doing?

So I am joining the many thousands of people who are out here in cyber space. I'm pretty much predicting that I'm just going to be lost amongst the millions. I don't really have anything special to put out there. Aside from my own personal thoughts, which, despite what  my parents have told me, are not special. I mean... "I am a unique and individual snowflake".

But seriously, I don't have any major ideas or purpose for this blog. Except one.

I need to start having some gumption here! I have lived my life for the past twenty-one years letting crap happen to me instead of going out and getting it. And believe me, as an aspiring actress (i hate that phrase, i hate that phrase....) that is sooooo not going to get me a job, much less a career. So now I'm taking initiative. Maybe one day I'll share why... but right now it's too soon to blab too personal details out here. So here's what you need to know about me....

1) I am a University student.
2) I live at home.
3) I have a boyfriend who is wonderful (hereafter refered to as "the boy").
4) To make money (Ha!) I work part-time at a lingerai store. Yes. I know.
5) I perform in school-run shows or shows around town that people will cast me in....
6) I am trying to write my own shows....

This blog will concentrate on 5/6.

That's all for now, as today I have to write an Archeaology assignment, begin the writing process of a parody show with my bestest (hereafter known as Tulio), and make sure I'm off book for my show.

Speaking of... if you're in the Vancouver area next week... (all 0 of you...) come see my show!

"Keep To The West"
Havana Theatre
August 11-14th 8pm